Tune In This Monday for Chris on LA Talk Radio!

LaTalkRadio-LogoAs you may have gathered from this weeks posts (or lack thereof…), I’m neck deep in production on my latest project, which I promise to start talking about REALLY SOON.  And while this has been a truly magnificiently creative week,  its also kind of knocked me back on my butt.  For example, with all the crazy commotion, I nearly forgot to let everybody know that I’m going to be on the air this coming Monday October 4th @ 1PM PST, on the  LA Talk Radio show “Indies in Motion”!!!  The host is Rick Mizuno, and it appears that we’ll be discussing arts, film, dance, and how my Emmy-nominated documentary film series The Artsiders® came into being.  I’m really excited by the opportunity, and hope you have the chance to tune in and listen.

I’ll post more info as it comes, but you can find out more about Rick and the “Indies In Motion” Radio Show HERE:


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