This vignette is from a 2D digitally animated comedic film I produced in 2011. I created the characters and story, as well as wrote, directed, art directed, and edited the film, but collaborated with a handful of traditionally trained 2D animators to animate the 18,000+ frames required to make this thirteen minute film.

This scene sees Karl Dahl (a living wooden nutcracker toy) attempting to hide from a goonish gang of treasure thieves onboard a local neon lit Pirate Ship tourist attraction.

Voices: Greg Whalen, Cherise Silvestri, and Chris Olsen
Primary Animation & Illustration: Sarah Satrun, Catherine Satrun, Jeremy Rumas,
Additional Animation: Tom Riffel, and Caitlin Lehman
Music: Rich Rankin
Sound Effects and Final Audio Mix: Eric Cauwels

The film premiered at the 2011 Miami Short Film Festival.

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