Introducing THE WHITE CITY


The White City

The Chicago press just caught wind of  THE WHITE CITY, the wonderful NEW Thodos Dance Chicago stage production featuring incredible original choreography by Ann Reinking AND Melissa Thodos, music by amazing American composer Bruce Wolosoff, and film design by… Chris Olsen!  (Wheee!)  It’s such a thrill to be involved in a full blown theatrical stage show again, and I am REALLY looking forward to this! 

From the official press release:
“Based on actual events surrounding the Columbian Exposition of 1893 in Chicago, The White City:  Chicago’s Columbian Exposition of 1893 is an ambitious story ballet in one act complete with period costumes, film design and video projection by Chicago filmmaker Chris Olsen and a libretto in the program.  Ann Reinking and Melissa Thodos are setting the piece to composer Bruce Wolosoff’sSongs Without Words”, which will be performed live on stage by the Carpe Diem String Quartet.  All of TDC’s 12 ensemble dancers will perform to tell the story of the legendary 1893 World’s Fair through contemporary dance.  Characters range from Mayor Carter Harrison, Sr.; Harrison’s assassin, Patrick Prendergast; John Root, one of the key architects of the Chicago World’s Fair; and Dr. H.H. Holmes, the cunning serial killer who used the fair to lure Fair victims to their death in his home.   

The White City will premiere on Saturday, February 19, 2011 at 8 p.m. at the North Shore Center for the Performing Arts (9501 Skokie Boulevard in Skokie, Illinois), then reprise on Friday, March 4 at 8 pm at the Harris Theater for Music and Dance, (205 East Randolph Drive, Chicago.)” 

This is going to be so much fun. 

If you have a chance, check out the Dec. 3rd print editions of the Chicago Sun-Times (which features a great image of TDC dancers Brian Hare and Jessica Miller Tomlinson on Page 37), and the Chicago Tribune, or read them both online via the following links: 

Chicago Tribune, Theater Critic Chris Jones blog post, 12/2/10 

Chicago Sun-Times,  in print w/large color photo 12/3/10,thodos-CST-120310.article 

For info on Thodos Dance Chicago, please visit:

And as always, stay tuned for the latest info, as the fun has only just begun!


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